Two questions plagued me, why and how. Why did I think I needed to go? While my default response would have been no, my intuition shoved me into saying yes. Then how in the world would I pay for the airfare?
The night after I accepted, I woke up in a panic. What was I thinking of? I can't go to California! But in the next instant a voice cut through the noise. FEAR NOT! Instantly the panic ceased. The next day I got a grant writing job which covered the cost of the ticket. As long as I was out there, I thought I should see the friends who encouraged me to visit. I emailed them about my trip, and effortlessly the stars moved to assist me. Two of these friends offered me a bed, so no hotels. Other friends offered to drive me everywhere I needed to go, so no car to rent. John dropped me off and picked me up at the airport, so no parking costs. Magic!

I took advantage of the surroundings to enjoy a little solitude and the starry night, and out of the corner of my eye I spotted the Pleiades cluster. Since my vision is not what it used to be I cannot look for this cluster straight on; it recedes into the blackness. But when I don't look so hard, when I look past it, when I allow my peripheral vision to see it, it becomes clear. Then I realized that I had to find my reason to why in the same way. Going after it intellectually would reveal nothing. I just had to let the answers reveal themselves to me.
They did. Sure, I was here to get better acquainted with the group. But I found myself having astounding conversations which could not have happened under any other circumstances. I met people with whom I developed an immediate and deep connection, and we continue our conversations now. Because I needed a ride to my next destination, my traveling companions ended up being photographed for a book my host was publishing. Another friend expressed her wonder that I had come at exactly that time because there was no one else with whom she could share a particular story.
The stars move in strange courses, don't they? While it may be tempting to connect the dots and declare a constellation, I'm finding it's much more amazing to let them connect me to people and circumstances who are, just for the moment, obscured by the darkness. But when all is revealed, Holy Mother of Pearl, it is magic!