Thursday, December 13, 2012

The Beginning of the World as We Create It

     On December 21, the rumor went, the Mayans predict the end of the world.  Remember?  I've been reading some new information about that.  Some of it seems to suggest that when they figured out how the cycle runs they just didn't bother to repeat it.  The calendar doesn't end so much as it has a coda.  But it is also the so-called dawning of the Age of Aquarius with a remarkable astronomical phenomenon which will take place when heavenly bodies line up in a way not to happen for another gazillion years.  While my jury is still out about astrology, I'm a believer in energy.  Does the moon afffect the tides and our emotions?  Is Reiki any stranger than Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle?  Western science and ancient healing practices all seem to be converging in their ideas of energy as life force.
     Collective consciousness is a form of energy.  How many of you read or listen to the news?  What you are consuming is certainly information, but it's not the only information there is.  It is the information that sells.  But if that is all we consume, our collective consciousness creates an energy that supports a fear-based world.  Here's news you may not have heard:  
  • Belo Horizonte, Brazil ended hunger in its city because it chose to regard food as a human right.  And it is engaging local farmers to help.
  • Farming community Wildpoldsried, Germany produces 321% more energy than it needs and is generating $5.7 million in annual revenue, all by choosing to go as green as possible.   
  • 17-year-old Angela Zhang's after school project could lead to a potential cure for cancer. 
Imagine our collective energy if these were the lead stories, and war and corruption were relegated to small items in the backwater of the media.  The world could be heaven on Earth.
     So rather than think of December 21 as the end of the world as we know it, you are invited to think of it as a beginning.  Set aside some time to contemplate, write, or create a ritual as a way to lead you into the world as you imagine it.  What do you want to see?  How do you want to be?  How can you co-create with others?  If you need some inspiration, let me direct you to  I'm volunteering with them, and let me tell you, the world is a beautiful place there!  Please visit it.  Then raise a glass with me and toast the Mayans on "New Age's Eve."

Pax tecum.

1 comment:

  1. Please note that I posted this blog nine hours before the news of the horrific mass murder at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT broke--just 25 miles away from me. This is a matter surely deserving of our mourning, our tears. It is the only way to respond to it. But I would ask you all to hold these hurting, grieving people in your hearts. Send healing thoughts rather than angry, fearful thoughts. Send them an abundance of love and compassion, and know that they are held in infinite cherishing even as we remain in shock that it happened at all.
