For the past several months, I've been exploring some radical forms of Christianity. No, this post is not designed to preach or proselytize; you may read it
in absolute safety and comfort. Let me simply use the space to share
where my journey has taken me.
I always thought that Christian Science was a fool's playground and kept far away from it. But after research and conversations I start to see things with a different mind and more ease with this brand of faith.
Mary Baker Eddy, Founder of CS |
So during a morning's meditation I was praying for relief from the constant pain in my back and shoulders. CS believes that all sickness and fear is error in human mental thinking and that Divine Mind is the only reality. In Divine Mind all is whole and perfect. We are in Divine Mind. And we are an expression of Divine Mind. (It's more than that so please don't draw conclusions about this religion based solely on these comments.) So I let my thoughts wander with this. What would it be like not only to live without pain, but to live without having to figure out how to relieve it? What if I did allow Diving Mind/God/The Universe (insert the word of your preference here) to take care of it for me? What if I let go of a need to control or have the answer and simply get out of the way of the expression? Not only in this instance but in all things? What would my life be like then?
Then I began thinking of Meister Eckhart. He was a 13th century Christian
mystic who described God as "unspeakable" in that the concept, the
power, the is-ness is beyond human comprehension. But It is always
"expressing" Itself through us and all things. His sermons departed from the party line so extremely that he was posthumously censored. You can see why I like this fellow.
I began to feel excitement. Anticipation. Fun. Yes, fun! I would be experiencing my life as the power greater than myself took over and said, "Stand back, kid, and watch this!" You know those times yourself. Someone picks you up to go somewhere--you don't know where because it's a surprise--and suddenly you are in the midst of a delightful adventure. It may be the restaurant you've always wanted to try or a visit with a friend you haven't seen in years. You have no control over how it happens, but it's absolutely what you want, and you get it! That's what this feels like to me.
Meister Eckhart, actually a fun guy! |
When I awake each day, I no longer ask, "What can I do to be of service?" Now I wonder, "How will God express Itself through me today?" I am less an operator in this scenario and more of an instrument. I push and fret less, and I allow and open up to more. The judgments are stilled as I trust that, whatever happens today, I am being used for a good purpose. Sometimes I actively assist a friend with a project. Other times I am the receptacle for others' gifts, allowing them to practice generosity. Sometimes I am the laughter. Or am I the stillness. But more and more, I am allowing myself to be "the expression" of what is whole and perfect
You don't have to read about CS or turn this into a religious quest. But I do invite you to play with the idea of being an expression of the Universe and letting go of the need to know how and why and all those other cerebral blocks that masquerade as necessities. Just see where
It takes you today. And if you have an adventure or an insight, please share it here with us. Everyone loves a good story.
Pax tecum.
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