Decades ago I had an epiphany during an epiphany. Stick with me; it'll make sense.
I was in a conversation with a young man. The reason why and who he was are now erased by time, but the epiphany remains fresh. He was telling me how the Navajos plant maize in the darnedest places. "They till these rows; they plant these seeds...I mean, it's in the desert for crying out loud! Nothing can grow in the desert. So why the heck would anyone...." He stopped mid-sentence. The light of an epiphany broke upon his face. Then he said, "They don't plant the seeds to grow maize! They plant the seeds to grow intention! Who knows if maize will grow or not, but the act of planting is what counts. They know that somewhere something will grow because they planted an intention." And in the midst of his epiphany, I experienced it too.

This is happening more and more. If you read things like the Goodnews Network ( or watch Karmatube ( you'll know that there is more to life than Fox News or the New York Times. People are doing good things, holding beautiful intentions. It goes on all the time. Everywhere. Higher consciousness, particularly in a group effort, can yield astounding results. I call such efforts Spirit Farming. We can all be Spirit Farmers. As we sow, so shall we reap.
In those dark nights of the soul, when you struggle to find your peace or an answer, step outside. Feel the maize growing between your toes. Know that you get to be the beneficiary of some good intention sent to you by someone...somewhere. And give thanks for their generosity.
Pax tecum.